
Accredited Training

Do you require Environmental Training? SAT Environmental Consultants offers training for Safety Officers, as well training on the Environmental Permitting/Application process. Maybe your needs go beyond this? We also offer Customized Environmental Courses!


Training Programmes That will Meet Your Environmental Needs!

SAT Environmental Consultants offers various accredited training courses. Along with our training courses, we also offer Accredited Certified Environmental Courses for graduates, as well as Internship & Learnership Training Programmes for graduates.

The Basics

Our training programmes are geared towards equiping you with the necessary skills that you will need within the environmental industry.

Tailored For You

We offer customized courses to ensure that we are able to meet your training needs.

Environmental Training for Safety Officers

The course will equip H&S officers with Environmental Legal Frameworks and On-Site Environmental Compliance

Environmental Permitting/Application Process

The course will introduce you to the field of environmental management by focusing on the legal compliance requirements and various Environmental Application Processes.

Customized Environmental Courses

SAT Environmental will facilitate a needs based survey and tailor environmental courses to suit specific client requirements.

Accreditation Bodies